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The leaves and bark have many medicinal uses that are still employed today (Nwinyi et al., 2008). Indian medicinal plants- a compendium of 500 species. Thus, the present study deals with the screening based on phytochemical tests of six medicinal plants viz., Ficus 2015, Article ID 948262, 9 . Methods Chemicals All the chemicals and reagents used for the research were of analytical grade. Introduction Plant materials remain an important resource to combat serious diseases in the world. 5(25), pp. The observations and inferences made in phytochemical tests of 28 medicinal plants is tabulated (Table 2). The aim of this study was to explore the phytochemical composition, heavy metals analysis and the antibacterial activity of six medicinal plants i.e., Terminalia chebula Retz (fruits), Aegle marmelos L., (fruits), Curcuma longa L., (rhizomes), Syzygium aromaticum L., (flower buds), Piper nigrum L., (seeds), Cinnamomum cassia L., (barks) and its two remedial recipes (recipe 1 and 2) used . PDF. Approximately 80-90 percent of the world's population mainly depends on traditional medicine for primary healthcare; most of them involve the use of plant extracts 1. In India, the ayurvedic system has features a numerous of such medicinal remedies on plants

The result showed that all the studies medicinal plants contain maximum classes of phytochemicals. The present study was undertaken to document the ethnomedicinal uses of twenty plants and analyse their phytochemical constituents. Warrier PK. The active ingredients are the main effective compounds of medicinal plants, the presence and quality vary from one plant to the other. Keywords : Phytochemical screening, Primary and Secondary metabolites, Cymbopogan citrates. An aqueous decoction of each plant species was . Phytochemical Analysis and Thin Layer Chromatography Profiling of Crude Extracts from GuieraSenegalensis (Leaves) Lawal A.M.1*, . Phytochemical analysis and evaluation of leaf and root parts of the medicinal herb, Hypochaeris radicata L. for in vitro antioxidant activities Jamuna Senguttuvan, Subramaniam Paulsamy, * and Krishnamoorthy Karthika Department of Botany, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India Reviewed by Dr. S. Karuppusamy The various phytochemical compounds detected are known to beneficial importance in medicinal sciences. The studies show the medicinal plants with emphasis on their antimicrobial, antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare, Cuminum cyminum, Pegnum harmala, Rosmarinus officinalis and Chenopodium .

Over . The International Journal of Engineering and Science 2 (1 .

It is a traditional medicinal plant characterized by its leaves that have a wide range of biological activities such as antioxidants, high blood pressure, anti-cancer and anti-microbial as it . Key words: Medicinal plants, Methanolic extracts, Phytochemical study, Secondary metabolites INTRODUCTION extracts of leaves some medicinal plants and Plants which have one or more of its organ containing Chandrashekar et. Medicinal plants Medicinal plants constitute an effective source of both traditional and modern medicines Herbal medicine has been shown to have genuine utility About 80% of rural population depends on it as primary hea system of medicine has been using the whole medicinal plant or a part of it for the treatment of different types of disease (Rastogi et al., 2009). Rao SS, Regar PL, Singh . World Health . Phytochemical analysis phytocompounds like flavonoids, glycosides, conducted on the plant extracts revealed the proteins, saponins, steroids tannins and presence of constituents which are known to terpenoids were present in Terminalia bellerica exhibit medicinal as well as physiological except alkaloids. Man has been using vegetal material . 2.4.

Plants have developed the capability to Man, since time immemorial, herbal or plant products have been used as a medicine to develop immunity or resistance to cold, joint pains, fevers, etc. Data are reported as mean SE values (n=3). Moringa concanensis is a medicinal plant belonging to the family Moringaceae (Fig.1). 1. a growing awareness in connecting the phytochemical constituents of a medicinal plant with its pharmacological activity. In the methanolic solvent activities5. 1. Among these plants, eleven (11), ten (10) and nine (9) contained mucilage, gallic tannins and anthocyanins, respectively. analysis and biochemical assays are very important aspects in pharmacognostic evaluation of medicinal plants (Choudhury et al., 2009; Harborne, 1973). The study showed that a selected medicinal plant possesses potential against microbes and therapeutic significance and all the selected plant showed significance antioxidant potential up to 98 % RSA. GC-MS analysis, medicinal plants, Melia orientalis, phytocomponents ABSTRACT Access this article online Website: www.phcogres.com DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.112433 Quick Response Code . J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2(4):22-24 4.1. It was observed that in Sangla valley a total of 28 medicinal plants were being used by tribal people a few of these belonged to the same or different families. GC-MS analysis. The studies show the medicinal plants with emphasis on their antimicrobial, antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare, Cuminum cyminum, Pegnum harmala, Rosmarinus officinalis and Chenopodium album. The medicinal value of these plants lies in bioactive phytochemical constituents that produce definite physiological action on the human body [8]. Phytochemical Analysis: The Plant extract have different type of compounds in those aerial parts of leaves and seeds and that are continuously used in the common principals. Several reports revealed that medicinal plants are rich in phenolic compounds and have antioxidant properties [12, 13].

Phytotherapy acts as a source of treating and improving certain diseases by using the beneficial effects of medicinal plants. The medicinal value of these plants lies in bioactive Phytochemical screening: Phytochemical screening results were summarized in Table 2. Journal overview. Thus, such plants should be investigated to better understanding for their properties, safety practices in addition to usefulness [7]. The knowledge medicinal plant has been accumulated in the course of many centuries based on different medicinal systems such as Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. . Results: The phytochemical screening studies have been carried out and identified ten chemical constituents present in the leaf extract of MO. about medicinal plants and their uses against various ailments. 1. Five traditionally used and less characterized herbaceous weeds of West Bengal, India, namely, Heliotropium indicum, Tridax procumbens, Cleome rutidosperma, Commelina benghalensis and . The use of medicinal plants for human [1] healthcare is well documented in India, China, Egypt and Arab world [2]. Champman and Hall, London, pp 60-66. Medicinal plants, which are also referred to as medicinal herbs, since plants produces bioactive chemical compounds (phytochemicals) and these are used for medicinal practices since prehistoric stone ages, this . From the result obtained by the phytochemical analysis of three medicinal plants, it could be seen that carbohydrates, phenol & tannins and glycosides were present in all the three plants. These biologically active compounds are called as phytochemicals. 3.1 . al. The analysis revealed the significance presence of alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids which are of important medicinal value and therefore need the plant conservation strategies for the benefits of the local people and the society in large. 2.4 Quantitative Determination of Phytochemical Constituents Determination of TPC Total phenolic content of the methanolic extract of all selected plants was determined by standard method [12] with little modifications, using tannic acid as a standard phenolic compound. Davis R. Mumbengegwi, Ah-Ng Tony Kong, James E. Simon, Qingli Wu, " Phytochemical Analysis and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Extracts of the African Medicinal Plant Ximenia caffra ", Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, vol. 2011). The study showed that a selected medicinal plant possesses potential against microbes and therapeutic significance and all the selected plant showed significance antioxidant potential up to 98 % RSA. Four different plants were taken for analysis viz.. GC-MS plays an essential role in the phytochemical analysis and chemotaxonomic studies of medicinal plants con-taining biologically active components [11]. Leaves and fruits were . Even though Anti Venom Serum (AVS) is used as a . Metal chelating activities of plant extracts at different concentrations. derived antimicrobials is needed today. 2 Seminar on Extraction and Phytochemical Analysis of Medicinal Plants by Shameembanu A. ByadgiShameembanu A. Byadgi 2. Dhawale P.G. *Email: veenen05@gmail.com Article Info Abstract Received: 14-11-2015, 2014). Bioactivities of Tropical Medicinal Plants 1413 Figure 3. Medicinal plants are the ones thought to possess the . The results of preliminary qualitative phytochemical study of the crude powder of 53 plants showed the presence of alkaloids (30.82%), tannins (67.92%), cardiac glycosides (62.26%), steroids (60.38%)and saponins (39.62%). It is of about 133 genera and more than 3,800 species. The elders of Mizoram use several plants for medicinal purposes and treatment of many human diseases. It has been found that many Phytochemical analysis of the samples of four medicinal plants under investigation revealed the presence of tannins, Saponins, flavonoids, phenolics and alkaloids in their leaves. e results of the qualitative phytochemicals analysis showed that the leaf extracts of lippia adonis var.koseret also indicated the presence of tannins, avonoids, poly- phenols, alkaloids and saponins, while in The extracts were diluted with distilled water to a known Hence above the plant extract could be expored for its highest therapeutic efficacy. Introduction Medicinal plants are plants which contain substances that could be used for therapeutic purposes or which are precursors for the synthesis of useful drugs [46]. Phytochemical analysis of the methanol plant extracts of A. bracteosa, A. parviflora, B. lycium and C. lemon revealed the presence of phytoconstituents such as alkaloids, carbohydrates, amino acids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols as shown in Table 3. The phytochemical analysis of the Crude extract was mixed with 2ml of chloroform and medicinal plants are also important and have commercial concentrated H2SO4 was added sidewise. tropics. Keywords: leaf part, beneficial, naturally, medicinal . The various factors of geographical region and plant growth time & plant material drying time to processing method for the variety of chemical content. It is commonly known as 'butterfly pea 'and "shankhapushpi". The result showed that all the studies medicinal plants contain maximum classes of phytochemicals. Test of Alkaloids (Wagner's Test): - Take 1ml of plant extract and add 3-5 drops of The objective of the present study was to screen such a phytochemicals as well as the mineral content in selected medicinal plant extracts. 2 nd ed., Chennai; Orient longman Private Ltd: 2004. This method is mainly applicable to fragile flower and leaves and this requires large number of workers since loading and unloading of plants has to be done manually. properties of nanomaterials Phytochemical Analysis and antimicrobial potential of different plant parts of Coriandrum sativum L Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants of Losho, Kenya Phytochemical Investigation And Antimicrobial Properties Since plants are used as therapeutic agents, the present study is designed to evaluate the Phytochemicals are primary and secondary compounds. Phytochemical Screening The Phytochemical screening [35, 36] of the drug is a very sensitive aspect in the process of standardization and quality control because the constituents vary qualitatively and quantitatively not only from plant to plant but also in different samples of the same species depending upon Medicinal Plants Phytochemical analysis of biologically active constituents of medicinal plants Authors: Nagy Mahmoud Morsy University of Jeddah Abstract Plants are a source of many drugs such as. (2012) observed the substances that can be used for the therapeutic purpose, phytochemical analysis of ethanolic . Plants are being an effective , source of both traditional and modern medicines are . India is the 3.1. medicinal plants with the aim of validating the ethno-medicinal use and subsequently the isolation and characterization of compounds which will be added to the potential list of drugs. Phytochemical studies in Clitoria ternatea Linn, a traditional Ayurvedic medicinal plant belonging to the family Fabaceae, provide information regarding the medicinal potential of the plant. Harborne JB (1998) Phytochemical methods: a guide to modern technique of plant analysis, vol 3. 4.1.

Abstract. Conclusion The phytochemical analysis, antibacterial activity, Herbalism is a traditional medicinal or folk medicine practice based on use of plantsand plant extracts (Acharya and shrivastava2008). The plant materials were collected from traders who use them to prepare herbal mixtures claimed to be blood purifiers, pain-relievers, anti-diarrheal and aphrodisiac medicines. Screening of active compounds from plants has led to the invention of new . The phytochemical analysis carrie d out revealed the presence of saponins, reducing sugar and steroids These results provide justification for the use of the medicinal plants to treat as medicinal ne of the has the and other organisms in the plaque produce organic acids such as lactic acid that gradually destroy the enamel to form a cavity Different health care needs on traditional medicines, which are mostly plant parts of these medicinal plants were used for phytochemical analysis. . Plant collection and adentification Keywords: leaf part, beneficial, naturally, medicinal . Phytochemical Screening The Phytochemical screening [35, 36] of the drug is a very sensitive aspect in the process of standardization and quality control because the constituents vary qualitatively and quantitatively not only from plant to plant but also in different samples of the same species depending upon Phytochemical analysis Chemical tests for the screening and identification of bioactive chemical constituents in the medicinal plants under study were carried out in extracts as well as powder specimens using the standard procedures as described by Sofowara (1993), Trease and Evans (1989) and Harborne (1973). A red colour interest in both research institutes and pharmaceuticals produced in the lower chloroform layer indicated the companies for the manufacturing of the new . (8). The traditional medicinal methods, especially the use of medicinal plants, still play a vital role to cover the basic health needs in the developing countries. Phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants of Margalla Hills and surroundings Amir Muhammad Khan 1*, Rizwana Aleem Qureshi 2, Faizan Ullah 2, Syed Aneel Gilani 3, Asia Nosheen 2, Sumaira Sahreen 3, Muhammad Khan Laghari 3, Muhammad Yousif Laghari 4, medicinal plants under study were carried out in extracts as well as powder specimens using the standard procedures as described by [14, 15, 16 . Soxhlet apparatus was. Medicinal plants are rich in various bioactive compounds such This study was conducted to evaluate the cytotoxic, antitumor, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of fruit and leaf methanolic and chloroform extracts of M. africana as well as the quantitative phytochemical assessment. Keywords: Phytochemical analysis, Medicinal flowers, Therapeutic values INTRODUCTION India is a mega diversity country endowed with a rich medicinal flora. 4.1. These phytochemicals are sometimes used as such and in some cases they form the raw materials for a variety of other medicinally important compounds. The aim of this study is to evaluate the biological activities of some plant species used in the preparation of herbal mixtures and determine the combinational effects. Keywords: Medicinal Leaves, Proximate Analysis, Phytochemical Analysis 1. Myrsine africana is a medicinal plant which belongs to the family Myrsinaceae and has been used as an appetizer, carminative and anthelmintic.

However, there is icinal value used in medical field. The various phytochemical compounds detected are known to beneficial importance in medicinal sciences. The medicinal plants are useful for healing as well as for curing of human diseases because of the presence of phytochemical constituents [1]. TABLE 2: RESULTS OF PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING Plants Al TC TG Fl Ant Leu Qn SP Tp St Cy Mu Cm Cr Hl O-H C-H H-C Google Scholar Soni A, Sosa S (2013) Phytochemical analysis and free radical scavenging potential of herbal and medicinal plant extracts. The utility of plants and . Phytochemicals are naturally occurring in the medicinal plants, leaves, vegetables and roots that have defense mechanism and protect from various diseases. (2013). Scientific data has been well established in a good number of investigated medicinal plants [1]. 4005-4010, 21 June, 2012 . . GC-MS analysis, medicinal plants, Melia orientalis, phytocomponents ABSTRACT Access this article online Website: www.phcogres.com DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.112433 Quick Response Code . Medicinal plants are used by 80% of the world population for their basic health needs. Keywords: Litsea cubeba, phytochemicals, plants parts, soxhlet extraction, conservation Nevertheless, only very few plant-origin medicines could enter clinical use and only a dozen use of plants and natural products received a fillip when World Health Organization recognized plant and natural products based medicinal systems as alternative and complimentary therapy in the year 2002 . Background: Medicinal plants are a source of phytochemicals and they are used for the treatment of several oxidative stress-related or other diseases for their effectiveness, low toxicity and easy availability. Results: The phytochemical screening studies have been carried out and identified ten chemical constituents present in the leaf extract of MO. M. concanensis is The plants collected were identified population of developing countries still depend for their primary botanically in department of Botany, Nagpur University. Keywords: Phytochemical; Methanol extract; Solanum torvum Sw. GC -MS and FT IR. Medicinal plants are important source for the development of potential, new chemotherapeutic drugs and the in vitro antibacterial test form the basis (Toona, et al., 1998 and Srivastava et al, 1996). These Phytochemicals are p rimary and. plant, including the leaves, owers, shoot, stem and root, which work as a defence mechanism against diseases or, more accurately, protect the plant from disease (Amari et al. Phytochemical Analysis of Seeds of Certain Medicinal Plants 2014 Chemistry Department Full PDF Package This Paper A short summary of this paper 37 Full PDFs related to this paper People also downloaded these free PDFs Herbal Approach towards the Cure of Diabetes Mellitus A Review by Jabbar Qureshi Download Free PDF View PDF Ind Medicinal Plants phytochemical screening of plants is the need of the hour in order to discover and develop novel therapeutic agents with improved efficacy. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of tuberous root was carried out in successive solvent like petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol and acetic acid by using soxhlet extractor. Phytochemicals are nat urally occurring in the medicinal plants, leaves, vegetables and roots tha t have defense mechanism and pr otect from various diseases. Total phenolic, total flavonoid and hydroxycinnamic acid contents As the bioactivities of medicinal plant extracts were often linked to their phytochemical and , b b (4)

Phytochemistry or Plant chemistry (the Greek word "Phyto" meaning plant) is the branch of chemistry, deals with chemical nature of the plant or plant products (chemistry of natural products). Phytochemical Analysis of some Medicinal Plants from Yanatmal District (Ms) India. Ocimum sanctum is highly useful medicinal plant. medicinal properties, but some plants or the phytochemical ingredients of them have been proven by precise science and also got the by famous approval regulatory agencies or EFSA to have like USFDA medicinal effects. 6017-6023, 9 November, 2011 . Phytochemical Analysis of Some Traditional Medicinal Plants V. *1Nandagoapalan , A. Doss2 and C.Marimuthu1 1PG & Research Department of Botany, National College, Tiruchirappalli 2Post Graduate Department of Microbiology, Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi Tamilnadu, South India. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of phytochemicals and to determine the total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the selected medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are plants which contain substances that could be used for therapeutic purposes or which are precursors for the synthesis of useful drugs [46]. Flavonoids and phenols were detected in all of the . INTRODUCTION Plant have been traditional medicinal for several thousand year (Abu- Rabia,A, 2005). Keywords: Phytochemical, Ocimum sanctum, flavonoid content Introduction The value of medicinal plants in drug discovery is known to us well and the human being used them for various purposes from the beginning of the human history [1]. Some plants contain significant amount of minerals, the presence and quantity depend on plant family, history and phytochemical properties of the plant [1]. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. Adhatoda vasica is a perennial plant, well known for its ecacy in the Ayurveda system of medicine, with several medicinal properties (Manjunath 1948; Maurya . Snake bites are the common acute medical emergency faced by rural people. phytochemical investigations from these medicinal plants have shown a large number of organic complex and biologically active compounds. In this process plants are placed in the plates of drier on which warm air is blown. Phytochemical analysis. It is a traditional Ayurvedic medicinal plant belonging . Numerous research groups have also reported such studies throughout the world [4-8]. Mizoram is hot spot of plant biodiversity and treasure for several medicinal plants.

6. Introduction: Since ancient times, people have been exploring the nature particularly medicinal plants in search of new drugs. 5. Through the chemical tests in the methanolic extracts of leaves of the five investigated plants, it is found that the important phytochemical groups (starch, alkaloids, GC-MS analysis. identify compounds present in a plant sample [10]. Phytochemical analysis Various chemical tests are conducted to identify repre-sented of different phytochemicals terpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins and phenolic compound based on the protocols available in the literature. Tannins were present in more number of plants followed by cardiac glycosides and steroids. For authors For reviewers For editors Table of Contents. medicines [2]. These phytochemicals are derived from every part of the plant including roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds etc. Medicinal plants are believed to be an important source of new chemical substances with potential-therapeutic effects. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(23), pp. Phytochemical analysis, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations of selected phytoconstituents from four herbs as anti-dotes for snake bites .

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